Sticky Trim Refurbishment
Anyone who owns a European vehicle manufactured from the early nineties knows the mess that sticky trims cause. From making the interior seem dirty to ruining your clothes, sticky trims are a frustrating consequence caused by heat and humidity reacting with the finish of the parts.
The process we use to remedy this is firstly to remove completely the original coating, then refinish the part in a new coating with the correct color. Finally, we laser print the decals back onto the refinished item. We do not simply place a decal sticker over the trim. This means these interior items are given new life, with all the original backlighting still working.
If you are located interstate or overseas you can have all the parts you wish to repair sent to us directly. Once ready, we will happily ship back to the desired address. Alternatively, if you are located within NSW, we can attend your vehicle storage facility or home and disassemble the vehicle onsite, allowing you to keep the vehicle in your possession while we work on the trim items. Once complete, we will return and fit them back into the vehicle for you.